Connecting Athletics to the Communities
That Rally Behind Them.

It’s basically everything at your fingertips. We’ve been able to upload pictures of our athletes and the overall look has become much more professional, almost like a collegiate level. It’s transforming our entire platform to a more professional level.

Two of our Lady Patriot soccer players received scholarship offers from a new program starting in the state. They are going to college because recruiters saw our broadcast.

The Presenting Sponsor serves a valuable role in branding our program. We are grateful that we have a Presenting Sponsor that not only makes financial contributions but also donates countless volunteer hours. The partnership between Bob Morey Auto Body and Bentonville Athletics is an instrumental part of our program.

On behalf of our athletic department, we want to thank you for providing such a great product for us and our community! We appreciate you getting with us up with our broadcasts on such short notice yesterday. We are grateful for your partnership with the Mascot Media team!

A senior has found his calling with the Blue Devil Network in live streaming games. He hopes to pursue a career in the field and would like to return to the Academies of West Memphis after college to lead and teach a Media Production Program. Thanks for providing a forum for him to shine.