Stop paying
for tickets...

when you could get them for FREE!

Stack Tickets

We connect your school with local and national sponsors who want to advertise on high school sports tickets so you can get them at NO COST.

How It Works:

  • Place Your Order

    Simply share your school’s requirements with us and we will help you choose the ticketing products you need.

  • We Find Sponsorships

    Our skilled sales team springs into action, diligently securing advertising sponsors for your tickets. It’s all about giving you those tickets at no cost.

  • We Design Your Tickets

    Once we have your school colors, mascot, and any desired images, our team of seasoned designers create compelling designs that serve as ambassadors of your school spirit.

  • We Print, Bill, and Fulfill

    From start to finish, we handle the entire process. You won’t need to worry about printing, billing sponsors, or fulfilling orders – we’ve got it all covered.

  • You Get Your Tickets!

Get your free tickets!
Pick a date and time that works for you below.

Why Work With Us?

Over 2 Decades of Experience

With our roots in print collateral dating back to the 1990s, we've acquired a profound understanding of school ticketing needs

Wide-Range of Ticket Types

We offer a large variety of tickets, including wristbands, roll tickets, parking permits, and more. We ensure your school branding remains consistent across every ticket type.

Enjoy a Simplified Process

We handle everything for you. From finding sponsorships to billing sponsors, designing your tickets, and printing them, our aim is to make it a hassle-free journey.

Generate More Revenue

Here's the real game-changer – your school can sell the tickets we provide to the community at events. This not only benefits your school but also brings in extra revenue. It's a win-win!